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Exposing your instance

Exposing your instance allows it to be accessible from other computers than the one you're hosting it on.


The compose.yaml provided in the Quickstart guide already exposes the Drop instance on port 3000. If you're on the same LAN as your Drop instance, you can find it's IP and then use:

http://[instance IP]:3000

as the connection URL when setting up your Drop client.

Reverse Proxy

If you are unsure how to set up a reverse proxy, or even what one is, this guide isn't for you. There are far better guides out there, so follow them to set up your reverse proxy.

As of v0.1.0-beta there is no special configuration required to run Drop behind a reverse proxy.


If you are unsure how to setup a VPN for remote access, please find and follow a far better guide than this one.

Accessing Drop over a VPN works very similarly to accessing via LAN, so follow those steps.